Capitol Riots: The Day of Infamy When Populism Became Fascism

Trumpism has defined, in the past four years, the quintessence of populism. On January 6, 2021, when a pro-Trump mob, instigated by their cult leader himself, stormed the Capitol building in Washington DC, a red line was crossed. The line where populism became fascism by, de facto, taking hostage the legislative branch of government. Many […]
COVID-19 Behavior Policing: Rehearsal for Crackdown on Dissent Ahead of Climate Collapse?

Newspeak, Trumpism and conspiracy theories News Junkie Post has a policy of zero tolerance for conspiracy theories. With a story as big and global as the COVID-19 pandemic, alternative narratives from conspiracy theorists were bound to happen. Like most news outlets, big or small, News Junkie Post‘s main focus in 2020 was the pandemic. Our […]
Climate Crisis, Pandemics and Bad Governance: Humanity’s Existential Threats

On the menu: tornado with COVID-19 on the side Since I started News Junkie Post, eleven years ago, I have, as a rule, avoided the first person narrative. In my mind, there is a simple reason for an aversion for the “me, myself, and I” type of storytelling so widespread in our culture. The first […]
Trump’s Zealots: White Supremacists and Evangelicals Gearing up for a New Civil War?

The Logic of Profit over People Let us not be naive. If President Trump recently called on his adoring followers to “liberate” states like Michigan, Virginia, Maryland and Minnesota, which all happen to have Democrat governors, this is not about freeing people from the supposed tyranny of lockdown and social distancing measures. What the gun […]
COVID-19: Killer of Black, Brown and Poor of US and Haiti

We are supposed to be thinking this week about the health disparities in the United States based on race and ethnicity, since the New York Times, Washington Post, National Public Radio, and even USA Today are going on about it. This is the hot topic presumably because of a recent analysis of the demographics of […]