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Climate Change Deniers: A Cacophony Of Grunting

It has been noted that we approach climate change denial as if the problem were not enough education, not enough facts in the public domain, but this does not seem to be the problem. If public education isn’t effective, what is Plan B?


Letter to a Climate ‘Skeptic’

This will be a difficult read for you, but I am trusting that you are mature enough to handle it. At least I hope so. Please understand that this is not an attack on you, nor a judgment of your abilities or intelligence. I say this as a friend who is hoping to help you […]


40,000 Year Old Rock Art Site Depicts Extinct Bird

An archaeological team recently visited a site containing a pictograph (not to be confused with a petroglyph) at Arnhem Land plateau in north Australia. They were investigating a large, flightless bird depicted here, which was originally thought to be an Emu. Upon closer examination, it was not an Emu at all, but rather a species of bird extinct for 40,000 years.


A Second Oil Spill In The Gulf

A second leak, discovered at the Ocean Saratoga rig, is leaking oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Initial reports claim the the volume of crude oil being released is much less than that of the Deepwater Horizon, but a 10 mile long oil slick has been detected by satellite.


Global Solutions: Let’s Play “Grown-Ups.”

You can’t solve environmental or social problems if you can’t rationally discuss realistic solutions. Any hope of finding a real solution is abandoned in favour of feeling marginally better today. Whether due to ignorance or an inner sense of hopelessness this approach advocates placebos and panaceas. Far from being a positive, empowering approach, it screams of despair as well as causing it.
