Majora Carter:An Eco-Warrior Fighting For Greener Urban Areas
Environment activist, Majora Carter, started her grassroots activities in the 1990’s. Her first accomplishment was to fight a plan, put together by then New-York’s Major Rudy Giuliani, to put an additional waste in the South Bronx.
G8 Summit Fails On Climate Change
On July 8, eleven Greenpeace activists climbed Mount Rushmore and hung a banner challenging President Obama to show real leadership on global warming and climate change. The banner, measuring 65 feet high by 35 feet wide features an unfinished portrait of Obama.
Progress On Climate Change at G8, But More Talk Than Real Actions
Today, President Obama will chair the key talks on climate change between the G8 nations and the leaders of emerging countries such as India, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and China.
Rich Countries Have Created Climate Crisis, Poor Ones Are Paying The Price
The organization Oxfam International says that climate change negotiations need to move much faster if a global deal is to be secured in time for the crucial December deadline agreed by all the world’s countries.
Will The Senate Block The Climate Change Bill?
It took the White House to work relentlessly last Friday to get enough votes in the House to pass a landmark bill, and one of the Obama administration’s top legislative priorities: