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Iraq’s Prime Minister al-Maliki was elected on the premise that all American occupying troops will be out of the country by the end of December 2011. However, it appears now that Washington’s man in Baghdad is pushing, in conjunction with the Obama administration, to keep some US troops in Iraq after the deadline. Last week, […]
May 30, 2011Read More
American support for Israel must not be at the expense of the Arab people. America should support a peaceful and secure resolution rather than any belligerent combatant. Instead of offering blind allegiance, and a carte blanche, to an old frenemy, America, and the world, would be better served by developing a “special relationship” with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the democratic revolutions sweeping the world.
May 27, 2011Read More

In the United States, politicians are almost always campaigning for election or re-election. It gives them very little time to focus on what should be the real business of government. Every two years American voters go to the polls to elect a Congress and part of the Senate, or, part of the Senate, a congress, […]
May 25, 2011Read More
Although England and France are facing equally bleak outlooks, with severe cuts to public services and an increasing drain on the working class, they are yet to face the full-blown, dreaded, IMF loan criteria of mass privatization and third world indebtedness being imposed on the GIPSI countries; Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and Italy. Currently, though […]
May 22, 2011Read More

By Anthony Zeitouni In his Mideast remarks “A Moment of Opportunity” President Obama addresses the Syrian popular upraising and sends a clear message to President Bashar al-Assad to either lead a transition to democracy or “get out of the way”. It looks like the Syrian regime has not yet received Obama’s “Either-Or” message, because it […]
May 21, 2011Read More