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America Salutes Bin Laden’s Assassins

There’s nothin’ like invading someone else’s country and killing a few people – even if it took ten years, and the death of over 920,000 people, and the injuring of 1,700,000 more, in two other countries that had nothing to do with ever attacking, or threatening to attack, your country – to make ya want […]


The Fight of America’s Working Class: Your Great-Grandparents Would Be Ashamed

The plight of the middle class, the working class, the laborers and workers of the world, has seldom improved – and even then in incremental steps only – and often only to be briefly enjoyed, lost, and fought for again another day. Documents from the American labor movement, over a hundred years ago, prove that […]


Bin Laden’s Assassination: Feeding Red Meat To America’s Imperialist Fervor

Bin Laden’s Assassination: Feeding Red Meat To America’s Imperialist Fervor

There is nothing like a “good killing” to make America proud and  a politician go up in the polls. Since the hit on Osama Bin Laden executed by US Navy Seals, President Obama has gained 7 percent  in the polls. His 50 percent approval rating, thanks to the killing of Bin Laden has jumped to […]


The Top 5 Prosperity Measuring Sticks More Accurate Than GDP

The Great Recession is over! According to Wall Street it ended in 2009 when the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) starting growing again. Of course for the poorest 98% of us who live near Main Street, we know different, and some indicators show that our standards of living have been declining since 1975. The GDP is an antiquated tool to measure the situation in a country. Here are 5 superior metrics that better reflect reality.


Privacy, Freedom, and the All Seeing Eye: The Panopticon

Imagine a world in 2015 in which fear is the dominant mentality. Authoritarian regimes use intelligence from open social media channels toward their own ends. Citizens push back against overwhelming information flows and privacy breaches. People are “digging foxholes.” They’re retreating to protect themselves. This world comes about as people are sharing more and more […]
