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UPDATE: Friday, January 7 at 11:30 PM – US (PST) Saturday in Najaf, cleric Al-Sadr called the United States, Israel and Britain “common enemies” and he is urging his followers to “resist the occupiers”. This was his first public speech since his return to Iraq. He delivered the speech in front of a cheering crowd […]
January 6, 2011Read More
Austerity is what our politicians should be demanding from the banks and the corporations, not us. The right to exist is what we should be granting corporations and financial institutions, not the other way around. The constituents should be the most powerful lobbyists in any capital, not the corporations and banks. We’ve allowed our world to be turned upside down.
January 4, 2011Read More

Globally, a growing majority of people are starting to understand that climate change and global warming mean extreme weather. Last week New Yorkers were under two feet of snow. In Australia, Queensland is experiencing a flood of biblical proportion that covers an area as big as France and Germany combined. In 2010, floods killed thousands […]
January 4, 2011Read More

On the advice of many Derrick Jensen’s “Endgame” has been on the ‘should read’ list for years, but somehow I have never gotten around to it. More recently a youtube clip of him reading an excerpt was brought to my attention, so I watched that, and then checked out sections of the books that are […]
January 3, 2011Read More

By Anthony Zeitouni TIME magazine named Facebook’s Co-Founder and CEO Zuckerberg, 26, as Time’s Person of the Year 2010. Meanwhile Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly, 28, was recently named the “Stockholm bomber” after he blew himself up in a street in Stockholm last week in a suicide attack. What a paradox, two young men of a similar […]
January 2, 2011Read More