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France: Is Sarkozy’s Waterloo Just Delayed?

France: Is Sarkozy’s Waterloo Just Delayed?

Today, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators turned out in French’s streets to protest, yet again, the already approved, by the French Senate, Sarkozy administration pension plan reform. Once in effect, the new law will raise the retirement age from 60 to 62. According to both sides( the government and the unions), the overall number of […]


Haiti: Will Cholera Spread To Port-au-Prince’s Tent Cities?

Haiti: Will Cholera Spread To Port-au-Prince’s Tent Cities?

Yesterday, the United Nations raised concerns, and urged the international community for action to deal with the real possibility of a nationwide cholera epidemic in Haiti. Since the outbreak from last week, in the earthquake ravaged island, 259 people have died from cholera. According to the UN, and several NGOs, the number of cases currently […]


Press: Is The Firing Of Thomas, Sanchez And Williams Censorship?

Press: Is The Firing Of Thomas, Sanchez And Williams Censorship?

In the past five months, three firings of high profile journalists by their respective news outlets have raised some serious questions about what is left of the freedom of the press in the US main steam media. The firings also raise questions about defining the blurry journalistic lines between analysis, commentary and opinion. It started […]


The Battle of California: Marijuana Vote In 10 Days

Almost everyone watching the epochal Proposition 19 battle in California — the voter initiative that would legalize and regulate cannabis for adults, and allow its taxation by local governments — realizes that the implications and symbolic significance of the vote goes far beyond the baby steps included in the language of the measure.


Do Americans Want To Be The Road Kills On Rove’s Crossroads?

Do Americans Want To Be The Road Kills On Rove’s Crossroads?

The midterm elections are right around the corner, and according to most polls the GOP could make enough gains to have a majority in the House of Representatives while the Senate is likely to remain under the control of Democrats, with possibly a smaller majority. If this situation occurs, it is likely that the Republicans […]
