WikiLeaks: Exposing War Crimes Shouldn’t Be A Crime In A Democracy

A growing number of peace activists are speaking out and demonstrating against the arrest of Private Bradley Manning, who is accused of giving classified documents to whistle-blowing web site WikiLeaks. Some politicians and commentators have gone as far as calling Manning a “traitor” while anti-war activists are embracing his allege role in the documents disclosure […]
Pakistan Floods: Is Social Unrest, And A Take Over By The Taliban Next?

Pakistan has become a slow hell on earth under water: An estimated 20 million- 12 percent of the country’s population- people is affected by the three weeks of floods, which means more prosaically that they are homeless. About 20 percent of the country is under water, the crops and grain reserves have being wiped out […]
America’s Taliban And the Ground Zero Mosque
Religious tyranny, the violation of individuals rights and freedoms, and the oppression of minorities, are the same regardless of the name of the god worshipped, the lexicon of religious terminology employed, the language spoken, the clothes worn, or the scriptures followed. It is unacceptable in any guise and must be resisted.
The Treacherous 14th Amendment Con Game
This is nothing more than a cruel and irresponsible political game. It will serve only to further divide the citizens of this country and ramp up racial and ethnic tensions by providing bigots and xenophobes with a false sense of legitimacy. It is a desperate ploy for political capital by a morally bankrupt group of politicians who lack even a most basic plan for leading this country into the future.