Free Market Capitalism: A Bipolar Vicious Cycle of Boom and Bust

What most economists are still calling “The Great Recession” officially started in December 2007. However, the global financial meltdown started a bit later, in the fall of 2008, in the United States. Calling this massive global crash “recession” was always an understatement made to avoid a complete global panic. A more accurate term would have […]
Tough New Rules Weed Out Colorado Pot Shops
One of every five medical marijuana dispensaries in Colorado could be forced to close under tough new rules barring many convicted felons from the business starting Sunday, according to federal drug authorities. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), which has been directed by Attorney General Eric Holder to back off on medical marijuana raids in states […]
Is Sarkozy Turning France Into A Police State?

Today, President Sarkozy warned that France would strip “foreign born criminals” of their French nationality if they use violence against the police or public officials. Earlier this week, Sarkozy had said that he would expel foreign Roma minorities who commit crimes in France back to Eastern Europe in his vow to tighten nationality rules for […]
Diversity Of Tactics: The Noise Before Defeat
“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.” Sun Tzu For the reasons given by me and others it is necessary that the progressive movement distance itself from the violent Black Bloc faction which is coopting the movement. Even Jon Stewart (in Canada here) notes that “they’re violent, disruptive, and draw a lot of […]