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Climate Change Denial: The Smoking Gun

Is there a legal right to shout “hoax” on a burning planet? It is well documented that corporate interests fund a widespread campaign of lies and misinformation about climate change. Worse, they have been enjoying considerable success just as they did with tobacco. Is it their legal right to do so? And what can be done about it?


South Africa: Will Killing of White Supremacist Trigger Racial Violence?

South Africa: Will Killing of White Supremacist Trigger Racial Violence?

As South Africa gets ready to host the World Cup, the killing of far-right white supremacist leader, Eugene Terreblanche, could not come at a worse time. Today, President Zuma called for calm after Terreblanche was found hacked to death by machete on his farm in the country’s Northwest. The 69-year-old leader of the white supremacist […]


The End of Days? So Many Antichrists, So Little Time

The End of Days? So Many Antichrists, So Little Time

The veracity of end times prophecy has been claimed, asserted, challenged and disproved repeatedly, yet we still choose to wallow in those very same stone-age superstitions of beasts and demons when shocked by the harsh realities of what we, as humans, perpetrate. The Antichrist is nothing more than a bogeyman for grown-ups. He’s the monster under the bed and the villain in the closet. He is the Kaiser Soze of the irrational and the biggest and scariest of the imaginary things that go bump in the night.


No Surprise: California GOP Against Pot Legalization

With sad predictability, the GOP’s conservative apologists for the status quo in California have dutifully lined up against the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010, which will appear on this November’s ballot in the Golden State.


Official Inquiry Vindicates Climate Scientists

Since Galileo, science has been under attack, and its foes thought they had scored a huge victory when hackers broke into the emails of researchers at the CRU, finding some suspicious correspondences. An official UK government inquiry has just cleared the scientists of any wrong doing, reasserting that man-made global warming is a fact.
