Can India And Pakistan Finally Be At Peace?

Historical Background Of The Conflict Between Pakistan & India The idea of a separate Muslim state in colonial British India first emerged in the 1930s. On March 23, 1940 Muhammad Ali Jinnah, leader of the Muslim League, endorsed the Lahore Resolution; calling for the creation of an independent state in regions where Muslims constituted a […]
The Party Of No Morphs Into The Party Of “No Way Jose”

With the jobs bill that just passed the Senate, a small group of Republican Senators, led by Jeff Sessions of Alabama, tried to hold up matters by insisting that immigration provisions be added to the bill. Once again, the “Party of No” morphs into the “Party of No Way Jose” as the GOP trots out its all-purpose boogeyman: “illegals”
Commercial Real Estate: The Next Real Estate Bubble

In cities and towns across the country, the number of empty store fronts and office buildings is growing. For example, office vacancy rates have risen to 16.3 percent and are expected to rise to 17.4 percent by the end of the year, according to the National Association of Realtors. Federal regulators and industry analysts are […]
Foreign Kleptocrats And Former Dictators Living Large Abroad

Too often in our societies, which value more what people have than what people are, money can get people to be complacent to corruption, and even crimes for the sake of profit and greed. Deposed foreign leaders, formers dictators and even mass murderers end up quite often in safe heavens such as Europe or America, […]
Grand Old Tea Party: A Strange Brew Of Populist Anger With A Triple K Flavor

The Grand Old Party and the so called Tea Party movement have become a strange hybrid. A political body with a vague agenda, a distorted torso harboring many harms, with many legs, moving in different directions, and a few talking heads and some silent ones. The Architects And The Megaphones The only GOP member which […]