The Bahamas: A Perfect Financial Storm Brewing in Tourism Paradise

By Norman Trabulsy Jr. The Bahamas is entering a period for which I see a Perfect Storm gathering, and this is unfortunate. A Perfect Storm comes about when a number of factors synergize to exacerbate what would otherwise be a mildly disruptive event. Although a number of other supporting realities strongly buttress my view, for […]
The Information Age Needs Knowledge and Morality

The era of the Internet has dramatically inaugurated, fervently boosted and vigorously sustained a flow of information of staggering proportion and global magnitude. In reference to the ancient Roman world, there is a saying that “all roads lead to Rome.” In our present world, which Alvin Toffler dubs as the “Third-Wave Civilization” or “Information Age,” […]
Violence, Fear, Censorship: Tools of Oppression in Male-Dominated Cultures

When we examine the system of government we have after thousands of years of male domination, we see that it perpetuates itself through two basic practices: one of these is the use of violence, and the other is fear. The male-dominated culture has obtained its power through these practices and continues to wield it not […]
What Is Consciousness and Do Humans Have a Monopoly on It?

There has not been so much excitement about the effect of electricity on the human body since Luigi Galvani discovered that an electrical stimulation of the nerves in the leg muscles of a dead frog caused it to kick. These early experiments inspired Mary Shelley in 1818 to write Frankenstein, a brilliant allegory about the […]
‘Yes’ to Scotland Independence and Britain’s Waning Imperialism

In 1707 a shaky union was set up that made Scotland a part of the United Kingdom. Scottish parliamentarians were bribed with vast sums of money and lucrative pension schemes to move their seats to Westminster, London. It was a sell out of the Scottish electorate that would later prompt its country’s best-loved poet, Robert […]