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COVID-19: Diagnostics, Hydroxychloroquine, Plasma, Short and Long-Term Solutions

COVID-19: Diagnostics, Hydroxychloroquine, Plasma, Short and Long-Term Solutions

The first infection by the agent of COVID-19, variously called 2019-nCoV or SARS-CoV-2, probably happened around December 12, 2019, based on the interviews in late December with a group of new pneumonia patients in Wuhan, China. Most of the pneumonia cases turned out to be traceable, either directly or indirectly, to the city’s Huanan seafood […]


COVID-19: Background Science to Understand the Pandemic

COVID-19: Background Science to Understand the Pandemic

Pathogenic RNA viruses began to prey in earnest on humans around the time of our industrial revolution. As the human population exploded and then increased its density by a massive effort of urbanization, it also changed land use to encroach on wildlife. Such changes continue today, unabated, even accelerated, as the human population attempts to […]


Life in the Time of COVID-19: Revenge of the Bat

Life in the Time of COVID-19: Revenge of the Bat

It was dusk. Out of a cave, black clouds of bats were coming out: thick. The fading sun skipped on their velvety wings. It was beautiful. The bats faded into darkness, on their way, on the hunt: tiny knights of nature carrying a deadly weapon about to cure humanity of its follies and arrogance. Their […]


Desiring Machines in the Age of Biocapitalism

Desiring Machines in the Age of Biocapitalism

The sophistication of our technological tools, with causality levels proper of the current interplanetary biocapitalism, have shot out the formation of new multicausal contexts, dispositionally bearers of new rules that trigger new causalities with systemic effects of global erasure of the dialectic molecularity that determined the dynamics relations of production/productive forces, with loss of autonomy […]


Global Warming, Overpopulation and Social Inequality: Three Legs of Climate Crisis Monster

Global Warming, Overpopulation and Social Inequality: Three Legs of Climate Crisis Monster

Gilbert Mercier: In our initial off air conversation, you asked me if I felt that we were “preaching to the choir,” as far as what could be an imminent collapse of humanity. In the United States, where we are, a large fraction of people are climate change deniers — even science deniers. After all, both […]
