Occupy Sandy Should Not Act as an NGO to Replace Bad Governance

By Gilbert Mercier and Dady Chery Sandy and Katrina Expose the Third World Within the Empire The last natural disaster to have had a major impact on the United States was hurricane Katrina. The fiasco of dealing with Katrina’s aftermath was a big blow for the Bush administration. This exposed a broken social system where […]
Climate Change: Hurricanes and Typhoons Kill Mainly the Poor

While Hurricane Sandy ravaged the Caribbean and the US eastern seaboard, Typhoon Son-Tinh tore through the Philippines, China and Vietnam, killing more than 35 people. As expected from climate change predictions, floods caused most of the damage to life and property. It should be noted however, that these ravages of climate change were, for the […]
US Election 2012: Occupy Should Have Backed Up Sanders

Editor’s Note: The original version of this article was written on December 27, 2011. At the time NJP was “floating” the idea of a Senator Sanders run for the 2012 US presidential election. The article was not received well by the decision makers at Occupy, who painted the movement paradoxically as a “pure grassroots leaderless […]
Halloween: Paganism Celebrates The Forgotten Divine Feminine

By Kit Kimberly As Halloween approaches, images of kids in costume, of Linus waiting for his Great Pumpkin, of ghosts and ghouls, the street decorations and signs of autumn fill the pop culture consciousness — at least in the USA and some other Euro-based cultures. In the US this year, All Hallows also falls on […]