Will America’s Moral Bankruptcy Cause its First Real Revolution?

Ordinary Americans will pickup the tab by getting critical social programs standing between them and dire poverty drastically cut. The US social safety net is already one of the worst in the industrial world and what could be left of it will put the United States on par with developing countries and banana republics. If […]
A Pro Palestinian American Congressman

Dick McManus, Democrat, Everett/Mill Creek, WA, is running for Congress, 2nd CD-WA, this coming fall. As Chief Warrant Officer/counterintelligence special agent, US Army, retired, he has a great deal of information to share with poignant prescriptions for change concerning American foreign policy with Israel. Candidate McManus writes: It is time for America to use our […]
Every Day Across Our Nation GOP Hunger Games are Killing People

Originally Published by Sarah Jones at PoliticusUSA.com Feature Image from Seaside Post Online I had just returned from Florida where I was trying to help my grandparents navigate around Florida Republicans’ long waiting list for Medicaid home assistance when I got a call that one of my good friends, Gilbert Mercier, the Editor in Chief […]
American Guns: Killing Syrians and Destabalizing Middle East

The hypocrisy of US Foreign Policy is once again drawn into the spotlight as the worlds largest weapons exporter attempts to take the moral high-ground against brutal dictators armed with American weapons. News Junkie Post’s Editor-in-Chief, Gilbert Mercier, joins US Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, as well as Chris Hedges and WarIsBusiness.com Editor Corey […]