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The Republican presidential nomination has seemed more like Big-Time wrestling than a boxing match, and, even then, more like an undercard scrap filled with amateurish drama where the gaffes and foibles substitute for skill and execution. It started out as an eight combatant cage match. The contenders entered the arena with all the pomp and […]
April 1, 2012Read More

On February 21, 2012, News Junkie Post’s Editor in Chief Gilbert Mercier suffered an abdominal aortic aneurysm: a myocardial infarction… a massive heart attack. Gilbert was given only a 10% chance of surviving the surgery that required he be put in a comatose state to repair the damage and perform a bypass. Fortunately, due to […]
March 29, 2012Read More
This is the final guide that will be published as a part of the Progressives Guide To Social Media series. Up to this point, we have covered initial tactics, in depth specifics on the six main social media sites, and overviews of many more sites. By this stage in your training, you should have registered your account all over the social media spectrum, have clicked thousands of buttons, made some new friends, and have an idea where you want to focus your efforts more intensively. Now it’s time to put it all together.
March 27, 2012Read More

Despite media coverage to the contrary, the promise of thousands to descend on the American capital to show their support for either side of the supposedly passionate debate over the Affordable Care Act, currently being heard by the Supreme Court, was a far from realized hype. The anticipated clash between the armies of concerned citizens, […]
March 26, 2012Read More

On February 21, 2012, Gilbert Mercier, News Junkie Post Editor in Chief, suffered an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.. a myocardial infarction… a massive heart attack. Gilbert was given only a 10% chance of surviving the surgery that required he be put in a comatose state in order to both repair the damage and perform a bypass. […]
March 26, 2012Read More