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The Path of Resistance, Because to Feel Something Is to Be Alive

The Path of Resistance, Because to Feel Something Is to Be Alive

Simple people,people who don’t exist,prefer things which don’t exist,simple things. e.e. cummings; six nonlectures Al Gore had a few minor errors of no particular consequence in his movie “An Inconvenient Truth“, but his book “The Assault on Reason” was wildly wrong in at least two important respects: i) The internet has proven to be a […]


Egypt’s Unfinished Business and a Lesson For the Arab Revolution

  It has become apparent that all of our most cynical readings of the situation in Egypt, since the supposed ouster of Hosni Mubarak, are being proved true by the continued oppression, and disenfranchisement, of the Egyptian people at the hands of the Military government. The aggressive midnight assault by police and military forces, to […]


Government Shutdown: The Washington Circus Pissing Contest

Government Shutdown: The Washington Circus Pissing Contest

The big Washington DC psychodrama unfolding is a likely partial shutdown of the federal government on Friday. The quality of the “debate” is in the mold of America’s favorite reality shows. A comparison could  be made between the government shutdown chicken-game played by the political class and  the scripted  reality of  any  “Real Housewives”  shows. […]


US Politics: A Pseudo Two Party System Where The Left Has No Voice

US Politics: A Pseudo Two Party System Where The Left Has No Voice

Since the United States became an empire in 1945, a constant factor at play has been a single political agenda in regard to America’s foreign policy. Ever since Harry Truman the underlying goals of all US policy decisions overseas, made by Democrats and Republicans Presidents alike, have been to assert and expand US global imperialism. […]


Climate Justice And Stupid White Men

Climate Justice And Stupid White Men

Parse that carefully because it can be too easy to become focused on the “Stupid” part. It’s S-t-u-p-i-d W-h-i-t-e M-e-n. For completeness we should add “Old”, and “Rich” (and probably some other adjectives as well) because of course in addition to being a race and gender issue climate change is a class and generational one. […]
