Supreme Court Versus Democracy: One Year After The Corporate Fascist Coup

Today is a sad day for the vague hope of keeping democracy alive in the United States. A year ago, Friday, the US Supreme Court gave its controversial 5-4 ruling in the case known as Citizens United. The Supreme Court ruling opened the unlimited flood of corporate money into the US electoral system, by giving […]
America’s Human Rights Message to China: Do As I Say, Not As I Do!
This does not excuse, by any means, the human rights violations committed by China, or any other country for that matter. This article only addresses America. If America thinks that it is the country to proudly mount a soap-box in defense of human rights and respect for humanity, it needs to take a long, hard, honest look at itself, and broach the subject as a shared challenge rather than with a disingenuous air of superiority. The only American exceptionalism on display here is its exceptional ability to excuse itself for that which it would gladly condemn and prosecute others.
Message From Corporate America: Work Longer, Harder, Faster
Americans have no guaranteed vacation time, average only 13 days offered per year, and often do not even take these. This is emblematic of a much larger problem where employees are demanded to give up overtime pay, work more hours per year, and make greater sacrifices to increase productivity to create wealth that will likely never make it into their pockets.
America: No Vacation Time For You
In the richest country in the world, there is no right to any vacation time. Paid annual leave and paid holidays are optional for any employer. In most other wealthy nations, there are between 20-35 vacation days per year (4-7 weeks). To make matters worse, Americans are increasingly less likely to actually use their vacation days.
Haiti: Murderer Baby Doc Duvalier Charged With Theft

On January 16, Baby Doc Duvalier made an unexpected and uninvited return to Haiti to, according to his own words, “help the Haitian people”. From 1971 to 1986 Baby Doc “helped” Haitians by using the little money the Haitian treasury had as his own piggy bank, by embezzling hundreds of million of dollars from international […]