What Obama Has Done [Comprehensive Edition]
There has been a great deal of change and reform delivered over the last two years. While most of these have gone by unnoticed or are not remembered, a fine Wiki team has recorded and organized every major point in a comprehensive database, now available here.
France: Is Sarkozy’s Waterloo Just Delayed?

Today, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators turned out in French’s streets to protest, yet again, the already approved, by the French Senate, Sarkozy administration pension plan reform. Once in effect, the new law will raise the retirement age from 60 to 62. According to both sides( the government and the unions), the overall number of […]
Haiti: Will Cholera Spread To Port-au-Prince’s Tent Cities?

Yesterday, the United Nations raised concerns, and urged the international community for action to deal with the real possibility of a nationwide cholera epidemic in Haiti. Since the outbreak from last week, in the earthquake ravaged island, 259 people have died from cholera. According to the UN, and several NGOs, the number of cases currently […]