UN Strongly Criticizes France’s Racial Discrimination Of Roma

After reviewing several legal complaints filled by Roma associations and human rights groups, the UN’s anti-racism and discrimination Committee will send a letter to put pressure on the European Union to urgently address the situation of the Roma and the Travelers in the context of France’s controversial collective deportation of Roma conducted by the Sarkozy […]
Beyond Katrina: Exposing America’s Broken Social System

Five years after Katrina, the Gulf Coast and New-Orleans have to deal with another large scale disaster ( in this case purely man-made) in the form of the BP oil spill. It seems that New-Orleans can not get a break, but again the Crescent City is far from being the only town at the epicenter […]
Obama And The No Religious Test Clause
President Obama is being subjected to a public religious test. Although not institutionalized as part of his formal admission to office, this test is equally offensive, and equally destructive to the country and the principles enshrined in its constitution.
The So Called “Withdrawal” From Iraq: A Made For TV Drama
The reality of the situation is that there will be approximately 3000 less American combat/counterinsurgency troops in Iraq by the end of the month while 50,000 troops, and thousands of private mercenaries, remain. Everything else is just smoke and mirrors.