Iceland: Volcano’s Wrath Matches The 2008 Financial Collapse

It is as if Mother Nature on April 14 in Iceland illustrated what will surely be Icelanders’ eruption of anger once they have the time to look into what is called Iceland’s Black Report. The ashes of Eyjafjallajokull volcano are likely to dissipate long before the ones still smoldering from Iceland’s financial collapse, created in […]
UN Report: Pakistani Government “Failed Profoundly” To Prevent Bhutto’s Killing

According to a United Nations report released on Thursday, the Pakistani government could have prevented the 2007 assassination of Benazir Bhutto. The UN report also accused Pakistani officials of failing to properly investigate Bhutto’s murder. The United Nations appointed independent panel concluded that security measures on the day that a suicide bomber blew-up Bhutto’s vehicle […]
Poverty: Half the World Lives on Less than $2.50 a Day

Almost half of the world-over 3 Billion people- has to survive with less than $2.50 per day. The current events unfolding in Thailand, India and Kyrgyzstan have a lot more to do with the problems of poverty and social injustice than conventional ideological issues. In Thailand, the Red Shirts are the poor from the rural […]
Behind The Anger Over Obama’s New NASA Plans
President Barack Obama’s cancellation of a key space program at NASA has angered not only space-enthusiasts and legendary astronauts, but leading the pack is also Lockheed Martin. Obama has increased NASA’s budget by $6 billion so that more funding can go to research and to improve operations of the International Space Station for the next […]
South Carolina To Get Collection Of Nuclear Material

At the Nuclear Security Summit, President Obama appealed to countries to get rid of the nuclear weapons material which they received from the US under the 1950s Atoms for Peace program. (Dispersing nuclear weapons material, albeit for peaceful purposes, is now thought to be dangerous.) President Obama proved that collection efforts are progressing. Ukraine announced, […]