Iraq War: Blair Held Accountable While Bush Enjoys Retirement

Today is a good day for accountability and democracy in the United Kingdom. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair is facing UK’s Iraq war independent inquiry panel for six hours in what some people in England have called his “judgment day.” Although Blair is not on trial and does not face any legal consequences, this could […]
UK Conference: Taliban To Be Part Of The Political Process

Today, a one day event is taking place in London. The Afghanistan conference is organized by UK’s Prime Minister Gordon Brown. About 70 foreign ministers and regional leaders are attending to discuss the future of the country. It is expected that the Western powers militarily involved in Afghanistan for the past eight years will back […]
France: Is Banning The Burqa A Good Idea?

On Tuesday, the French parliament called the burqa “a challenge to national values”, and backed the ban of the full Islamic veil from public places such as schools, hospitals, government offices and transport systems. The 200 pages report, put together by a parliamentary committee, was made public on Tuesday. “The wearing of the full veil […]
1/3rd of Women in US Military Raped
The culture of sexual violence against women that is allowed to exist in both the US military and private contractors has created a rape epidemic. One third of all women serving have been raped and 71% have been sexually assaulted. Some horrific personal tales tell the tragic story.
Canceling Haiti’s Debt Is A Global Moral Obligation

Today, Foreign Ministers are meeting in Montreal to discuss Haiti’s outstanding $890 million international debt. The repayment of this debt burden would undermine any possibility of long term recovery for Haitians, which were already already affected by a food crisis before the earthquake that has left Haiti dependent on imports for almost 50 percent of […]