Middle-East:No Peace Talks Progress Anytime Soon

Today, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas told US Secretary of States Hillary Clinton that Palestinians would not re-start peace talks with Israel if there was not a complete freeze on Israeli settlements in the occupied territories. Despite the efforts of US envoy George Mitchell, there is very few signs that the peace talks themselves, suspended in […]
Why Are We In Afghanistan?

Is the question President Obama needs to ask himself, in good conscience, and to answer before committing more troops to the conflict. The President has not rushed into any decision yet, and he is unlikely to do so until the results of the elections second round, scheduled to take place on November 7. The Obama […]
A French Court Sides With African Corrupt Rulers

Today, a French court of appeal stopped all inquiries into a 160 million Euros portfolio held in France, and allegedly acquired with stolen public funds, by the leaders of some of Africa’s poorest countries. The case was brought by the organization Transparency International, based in Berlin, against the president of Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Obiang, the […]
NJP’s Olson Interviews Kenneth Gladney on the Tea Party Express
It was 38 degrees and the cold desert wind was blowing down from the Sierra foothills. I was in Hawthorne Nevada, an odd town of a few hundred shabby houses guarded by chain linked fences, every one with a vicious dog. This place is an odd backwater of Americana, with a strong ethnic mix brought by the nearby military bases that guard the largest ammunition and ordnance depot in the nation. A perfect place for an explosive interview.