Smoke From Los Angeles Fires Reaching Las Vegas
The thick smoke from the wild fires in Los Angeles and from the other fires across California is now reaching as far as Las Vegas, Nevada and even Denver, Colorado — that’s a distance of over 1,000 miles. NASA has also sent in photos of the smoke, which is quite visible from space.
Afghanistan:Despite Record Casualties McChrystal Says “Success Achievable”

The report from the new commander in Afghanistan, and former head of black-ops during the Bush-era, General McChrystal is finally completed and is being reviewed by the Pentagon & NATO. The report, not made available to the press, reviews the 8 year-long war in Afghanistan. McChrystal made this very short statement today:”The situation is serious, but success is still achievable and demands a revised implementation strategy, commitment and resolve, and increased unity of efforts.”
Climate Change: What Can Be Accomplished At The World Climate Conference?

Today is the start of the 3rd world climate conference. It is organized by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). It is hosted by Switzerland, and takes place between August 31 to September 4.
Japan’s Elections: Center-Left Party DPJ Wins In A Landslide Victory

Latest updates 8/30/2009 @ 10:30 AM (PST). According to Japan’s broadcaster NHK, the DPJ has won 306 seats out of the 480 seats in the Lower House. DPJ’s Yukio Hatoyama, a Stanford University graduate in engineering, will be Japan’s new Prime Minister. Hatoyama just made the following statement at a press conference, after his historical […]
Afghanistan: Tensions Rise Between Karzai & US Envoy Holbrooke

In the aftermath of the Afghan elections, Richard Holbrooke and Hamid Karzai had a lunch meeting on the day after the elections. The meeting was described by the US embassy in Kabul as testy and filled with sharp exchanges. Veteran diplomat Holbrooke is know for his bluntness, and apparently he made sure to let Karzai know that Washington’s impatience towards him was rapidly growing.