Oaks, Traditions and Conflicts: Serbia’s Unpredictable Stability

The bus from Novi Sad was proving impossible, an intemperate monster with narrow seating and dirty floors. Not an express, and certainly not this one, this bright red-tinted beast known as the Niš Express which runs through Serbia like a cholesterol-thickened artery. In Serbian, it might be better to term it the Nikad Express: one […]
Pope Francis: Jesus-Like Anti Capitalist or Damage-Control PR Wiz?

Should we be concerned about the spanking new, seemingly universally loved pope who is making even some atheists doubt their position? Virtually none of the mainstream media have seriously investigated the politics behind the election of this Pope who, for the last 10 months, has been the vogue. Pope Bergolio is heralded as a new […]
Repression in Northern Ireland: Martin Corey’s Detention Was on Secret Evidence

By Eugene Egan After almost four years of detention without trial, Irish Republican Martin Corey, 62, was finally released on January 15, 2014. Corey is a member of Republican Sinn Fein, who broke away from Sinn Fein under the leadership of Gerry Adams in 1986. Republic Sinn Fein are linked to the republican dissident group […]
TPP: Corporate Greed Would Win, the Environment Would Lose

The environment chapter of the secretly negotiated Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is evidently meant to be the sweetener for a broader set of more restrictive arrangements, but it falls far short of its protective purpose. The full draft of the chapter, released by WikiLeaks on Wednesday January 15, 2014 and dating from November 24, 2013, […]