Mandela’s Legacy: South Africa Then and Now

“The lack of human dignity experienced by Africans is the direct result of the policy of white supremacy.” – Nelson Mandela, Pretoria, April 20, 1964 States should rarely reflect, in their entirety, the bearing and views of their leader. States endure; leaders by their mortality do not, except in effigy or as memory. The passing […]
Dominican-Haitian Tensions: Wag the Dog or Prelude to Genocide?

A decision that strips citizenship from over 200,000 Black Dominicans was passed by the Dominican Republic’s Constitutional Court on September 23, 2013. This highly flawed ruling designates at least four generations of DR-born individuals who descended from migrant Haitian laborers between 1929 and 2007, as being the offsprings of transients and therefore unqualified for citizenship. […]
Black Friday: An Orgy of Trinkets and Baubles

So, as you get home and fire up your new toy, and stuff the completely unnecessary amount of packaging into your garbage pail, remember that what you count as savings is yours alone. The cost to the environment, the peoples exploited in it’s production, and the world that we all share, is much more that the 50-70% you saved off the ridiculously inflated every-day price.
Political Prisoner Hammond: When Entrapment and Abuse of Power Subvert Justice

“Those in power do not want the truth exposed.” Jeremy Hammond, Nov 15, 2013 The hacktivist wars have taken another turn with the sentencing of Jeremy Hammond, an individual who became something of a guerrilla journalist when he attempted to cut the Gordian knot of secrecy. In donning such combat gear, he has paid a […]
Fragmentation of News and Causes: The Urgent Need to Think Globally

By Gilbert Mercier and Dady Chery “When the blind men had each felt a part of the elephant, the king went to each of them and said to each: ‘Well, blind man, have you seen the elephant? Tell me, what sort of thing is an elephant?’” When a typhoon hits the Philippines, an earthquake ravages […]