How US Neocolonial Development Failed the Philippines – Part II

The international-dependence theory “During the 1970s, international-dependence models [of economic development] gained increasing support especially among developing-country intellectuals, as a result of growing disenchantment with both the stages and structural-change models. While this theory to a large degree went out of favor during the 1980s and into the 1990s, versions of it have enjoyed a […]
The So-Called American Dream Has Become a Nightmare

By Tammy Marchand Many families are still trying to rebound from what was their American dream. The good old American pie seems to have been harboring worms that upset the bellies of many Americans. While it is written that there is nothing new under the sun, one wonders if this statement had a final date […]
In the Fight Against Imperialism, Beware the Peddlers of Despair

All around us – Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti, the Congo, Ivory Coast, Palestine, Somalia, Libya, and elsewhere – empires are tearing a trail of destruction. This is not a sign of strength but of weakness, because the aim of empire is not to destroy but to conquer. Since conquest cannot be achieved without the collaboration of […]
Open Letter to Neoliberal Lord Meghnad Desai Against Fascism in India

Dear Mr. Desai, I write to you as a concerned fellow citizen of a republic that reeks like a nauseating carcass. That the Indian economy is in sad shape is evident daily to anyone who buys the most trivial things. I agree with you on this. It is sadder still to see able, privileged sons […]
How US Neocolonial Development Failed the Philippines – Part I

It is a sober admission of practically all reasonable and level-headed viewpoints that United States hegemony, by way of imperialistic programming, has had a direct hand in what post-war Philippines has gone through in terms of the social, political, economic and even cultural journey of a suffering and struggling people. The Philippines was briefly on […]