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It’s Time To Occupy Mainstream Media

It’s Time To Occupy Mainstream Media

By Dustin M. Slaughter Photo by Coal Dubya “Between the public sector and the private sector, we have wreaked untold havoc on the media environment.” These aren’t the words of a progressive media advocate such as University of Illinois professor Robert McChesney or The Nation’s John Nichols, but of ex-FCC commissioner Michael Copps in January. […]


Will Occupy Choose Super-PAC Funding Over Radical Action?

Will Occupy Choose Super-PAC Funding Over Radical Action?

In the past thirty six hours, several stories have emerged to highlight a growing problem that threatens the continued effectiveness, and perhaps the very existence, of the Occupy movement.  Left-wing politicos have come out against radical tactics such as those of the Black Bloc.  Establishment activists involved in Occupy seek to end the actual occupations […]


Facebook IPO: An Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook IPO: An Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg

“We don’t build services to make money; we make money to build services.” Mark Zuckerberg, his I.P.O letter. As we all know, Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg are on the verge of a massive I.P.O. It may be the biggest sale of a stock in history. Mr. Zuckerberg says he does not think in terms of […]


Progressives Guide to Social Media 2: Reddit

Reddit is a rapidly growing social news website with over 20 million active users. It does not have the aesthetic design of Digg, although it tends to generate more quality discussions and is far more versatile. Reddit is now the traffic king of the social news sites and an excellent place for advocates of real reform and progress to gather.


Super Bowl and Election 2012: Panem, Circenses and Brainwashing

Super Bowl and Election 2012: Panem, Circenses and Brainwashing

Panem and Circenses ( Bread and Circuses) described the methods used by Roman Caesars to exert control on the populace and distract the masses from important matters of public affairs, policies and society by having them feast and watch gladiators fight to the death in Roman arenas. Little has changed in 2,000 years, and if  […]
