Human Trafficking: Modern Day Slavery Affecting 30 Million Women and Children

Most people think that slavery is a crime of the past. However, this notion couldn’t be any further from the tragic reality of a well organized criminal activity which victimized more than 30 millions women and children worldwide. As matter of fact, there are more people being enslaved today than at any other time in […]
Haiti Two Years Later: How the US has Failed Haitian Families

By Steven Forester Since Haiti’s devastating quake two years ago today, many Republicans and Democrats have been urging President Obama to take a simple step to save lives and speed recovery, one which would cost virtually nothing, reunite families, and help thousands in Haiti. Ten editorial boards have urged the Obama administration to take the […]
GITMO: Obama’s Broken Promise Protested

On the tenth anniversary of the arrival of the first illegal detainees at Guantanamo Bay, hundreds of protesters tolerated DC’s winter rain to express their disappointment, and anger, at President Obama and the most despised and ineffective congress that Americans have ever had to tolerate. A ninety minute rally that educated the large crowd that […]
US Drone Attacks: Making Pakistan More Unstable

The latest drone strike occurred on Tuesday in North Waziristan, and it will unquestionably bring the tense relationship between Pakistan and the United States closer to a breaking point. It was the first US drone strike in Pakistan this year. The last criminal blunder committed by the US military happened in November 2011, when an […]