Ukraine: The New Cold War Heats Up

Some Western Europeans say, jokingly, that at least winter is almost over, and if “Putin shuts off the gas,” they will not have to be cold for long. But as the Ukrainian crisis amplifies, European laughter will be short lived. If the European Union had not been a doormat for Washington’s neocons to wipe their […]
Engineering Failed States: The Strategy of Global Corporate Imperialism

Empires as national and cultural megalomaniac dreams Once upon a time, national entities and cultures aspired to build empires. The impulse was the erroneous assumption of being a superior civilization. It was about exporting an extensive set of aspirations, a culture, and a value system. Romans thought that bringing water through aqueducts and paved roads […]
The Rise of BRICS: Cold War Redux or End of Empires?

There is a vague nostalgia for the Cold War era, which spanned from almost immediately after World War II in 1945 to the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991. It was arguably a period of history marked, if not by peace and stability, at least by a sense of predictability emanating from a […]
The United States’ Obscene Wealth Inequality

By Gilbert Mercier and Dady Chery In the past 33 years, the United States has become a study in blatant and obscene contrasts between the rich and poor. Although FDR’s New Deal helped to lift the country out of the Great Depression and to establish the social and economic policies and standards that created a […]
NATO’s Assault on Syria: A Crime and a Mistake

Humanitarian imperialism at its finest A NATO attack on Syria seems almost inevitable, inexorably taking us all to witness one more criminal madness. Officials, mainly in the United States, France and the United Kingdom have been beating the drums of war relentlessly and at a crescendo speed, working themselves up into an almost credible humanitarian […]