The Stench of Extinction

The days of the locusts have come. Nature is taking a deadly revenge on itself and us. In our instance, the swarming locusts that eat and destroy all living creatures in their paths, are ourselves, eight billion humans who have eaten, consumed, exploited and are in the process of committing matricide on the most generous […]
Forget Wars on Covid and Terror: War on Climate Collapse Is the Only War of Necessity for Human Survival

Mythology of humans’ natural impulse for empathy Warfare has been a plague haunting the human species ever since our evolution to become Homo Sapiens, finally, around 300,000 years ago in Africa. Etymologically, homo means human and sapiens means wise or knowledgeable. One can see that in this 18th century anthropocentric characterization of our species, the […]
COVID-19 as a Lesson in Humility: Gilbert Mercier on Radio Free Sunroot

This is a partial transcript of an interview of Gilbert Mercier with Kollibri Terre Sonnenblum, host of Radio Free Sunroot, on May 5, 2020. The following excerpt was transcribed by Kollibri. Kollibri: We’re at a point now with this pandemic where capitalism is facing a crisis, perhaps an existential crisis. Gilbert: To me, this is […]
COVID-19 Crisis Positive Side Effects: End of Dog-Eat-Dog Civilization?

“But what does it mean the plague? It’s life, that’s all.” – Albert Camus, The Plague. Before the pandemic, our world was already sick. Profoundly pathological and dysfunctional in our values, personal connections and, first and foremost, our species’ deadly impact on the natural world and its disequilibration of our host, planet Earth. But like […]