Petraeus Resignation: Spies, Lies and Politics

By Dady Chery and Gilbert Mercier Haiti Chery General Petraeus had to resign today from his position as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. He admitted to an affair, but some — such as the New York Times — are already saying that the convenient timing of the resignation was related to the intelligence failure […]
Vote Obamney to Keep Wall Street and the Military Industrial Complex in Office

Two Faces of the Same Coin On November 6, 2012 or shortly thereafter, the farce will be over, as US citizens will have played along with this sad excuse for an electoral process. The “leader of the free world” will be crowned, but the policies, global state or corporate puppet masters will still have their […]
US Election 2012: Occupy Should Have Backed Up Sanders

Editor’s Note: The original version of this article was written on December 27, 2011. At the time NJP was “floating” the idea of a Senator Sanders run for the 2012 US presidential election. The article was not received well by the decision makers at Occupy, who painted the movement paradoxically as a “pure grassroots leaderless […]
US Election 2012: The Illusion of Democracy

“Leader of the Free World” or PR Person for the Global Corporate Oligarchy? Tonight President Obama will “debate” Mitt Romney. The topic seems to be of critical importance to the rest of the world: it is after all about the United States’ foreign policy. The president of the United States of America is often emphatically […]
Foreclosures: The Scam Continues

For millions of Americans, owning a home is the grandest symbol of accomplishment into the illusion of the “American Dream”. In the United states, we have been indoctrinated to believe being a homeowner signifies success, financial stability and responsibility. My former husband and I had been renters a few years before the thought ever crossed […]