I, Hillary Rodham Clinton: Haiti’s Pay-to-Play IHRC

From its inception, and well before it made $10 billion of earthquake aid money disappear, Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) was a vicious joke on Haitians. The original name, Commission Intérimaire pour la Reconstruction d’Haïti, should have been simply translated as Interim Commission for the Reconstruction of Haiti. After all, it […]
Brexit, Texit, Bennifer, and the Referendum Apocalypse

By Vicki S. Nikolaidis How could we not know the United Kingdom would eventually leave the European Union! Brexit was foretold in Bible Prophecy when Daniel explained for God that Europe would never stay united, it is simply not in the cards.[1] All five chapters of the Book of Daniel were written 1476 years ago, […]
Democracy Is Dead

From the west to the east, and the south to the north of our global horizon, it is the same tableau: the horrendous killing fields of disaster capitalism where its cohorts of 18-wheelers, heavy road machinery and police patrol cars roam the landscape continuously and are turning us and the better principles of our humanity […]