Where is the Digital Watergate Anti-Trump Propaganda Campaign Going?

By Daniel Espinosa Winder The Russians are coming! Once again, the structural bias of the American news media in favor of the ‘official version’ turns them into a propaganda tool. Intelligence sources point out Russian interference in recent elections. However, WikiLeaks-related sources say the Democratic Party’s mail leak was the working of a whistle-blower within […]
Turkey Is Searching for Her Heart

By Akin Olgun When you try to explain a specific matter about Turkey you need to rewind to the past. When you try to explain what happened in the past, you need to travel even further back, rewind back even more… and this goes on and on, endlessly! The past and the history of the […]
Halloween: Paganism Celebrates The Forgotten Divine Feminine

By Kit Kimberly As Halloween approaches, images of kids in costume, of Linus waiting for his Great Pumpkin, of ghosts and ghouls, the street decorations and signs of autumn fill the pop culture consciousness — at least in the USA and some other Euro-based cultures. In the US this year, All Hallows also falls on […]
Earth Day 2011: Remembering Rachel Carson
Carson, credited as the founder of the contemporary environmental movement, and author of the landmark book, “Silent Spring,” touched off a major controversy on the dangers of pesticides in the early 1960’s. The well-funded campaign of disinformation that attempted to discredit and silence Carson, continues to dog environmental science nearly 50 years later.
What Obama Has Done [Comprehensive Edition]
There has been a great deal of change and reform delivered over the last two years. While most of these have gone by unnoticed or are not remembered, a fine Wiki team has recorded and organized every major point in a comprehensive database, now available here.