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Climate Change: Not A Matter Of Faith

The popular wisdom currently is that “Al Gore’s climate change theory” is in big trouble due to scandals, bad science, tampered data, the coldest winter ever, and so on. Not a word of it is true of course. It’s just more of the standard climate change Denier misrepresentation and outright lies. However, it does underscore three critical challenges in the politics of climate change.


Religious Assault On Democracy

This is a report of an intentional attempt to subvert the authority of our elected representatives with the goal of limiting and removing rights and protections guaranteed to the American citizenry. This is a report concerning the deliberate attack on democratic institutions as well as the Constitution.


God Is No Excuse

All of us are struggling to survive, but many are working diligently to capitalize on the discovered and created inequalities that sentence the vast majority of our fellow humans to incredible poverty, leaving a minority to live in comfort, and a fraction of a percent to wallow in absolutely perverse wealth.


Medical Marijuana Patients Suffering Police Harassment

According to a recent Washington Supreme Court decision, police can get a search warrant, enter and search your home, arrest you, handcuff you and take you to jail, every time they smell pot – even if you are a legal patient carefully abiding by the rules put forth by the state.


The Final Verdict on Supply Side Economics

On average the real incomes of middle class families have grown twice as fast under Democrats as they have under Republicans, while the real incomes of the working poor have grown six times as fast on average under Democrats as they have under Republican administrations!
