The Moral Economy of India: Modi as the Anti-Gandhi

Anyone familiar with Nietzsche’s writings would observe that, apart from the fact that he wrote diverse fragments on almost everything that constitutes existence, he often contradicted himself. Nonetheless he was, here and there, remarkably consistent when it came to hating Jews, women, feminists and socialists. His writings are filled with malicious sentiments against them. For […]
India’s Common Man Party (AAP) Challenges a Corrupt Two-Party System

Out of the burning coal of India’s anti-corruption movement rose the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Aam Aadmi, literally meaning Ordinary Man or Common Man, was spearheaded by Anna Hazare, himself a poorly known man from the village of Ralegan Siddhi in Maharasthtra state and a former soldier, before he became an anti-corruption activist. The political […]
Open Letter to Neoliberal Lord Meghnad Desai Against Fascism in India

Dear Mr. Desai, I write to you as a concerned fellow citizen of a republic that reeks like a nauseating carcass. That the Indian economy is in sad shape is evident daily to anyone who buys the most trivial things. I agree with you on this. It is sadder still to see able, privileged sons […]
The Gang Rape Epidemic in India

The subjects of sex and property have nourished the Indian film industry for years. The female body has always been an object of gaze. Barring few notable exceptions, the stories are about a man in whose world a woman is but an accessory. The hero fights the battle and the heroine nurses the wound; the […]