Black Friday: An Orgy of Trinkets and Baubles

So, as you get home and fire up your new toy, and stuff the completely unnecessary amount of packaging into your garbage pail, remember that what you count as savings is yours alone. The cost to the environment, the peoples exploited in it’s production, and the world that we all share, is much more that the 50-70% you saved off the ridiculously inflated every-day price.
Memorial Day Patriotism: Cannon Fodder for the Merchants of Death
“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” – Albert Einstein The invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan by the United States cannot be considered to spread freedom and […]
Can Europe Spark a Global Revolution Against Shock Capitalism?

What are the American people doing? Greece, Italy, France, Ireland, Spain, England…. all of them have people in the streets. All of them are protesting. All of them are calling for strikes and trying to force the overthrow of not just their government but the entire financial system that would enslave them.
A Pro Palestinian American Congressman

Dick McManus, Democrat, Everett/Mill Creek, WA, is running for Congress, 2nd CD-WA, this coming fall. As Chief Warrant Officer/counterintelligence special agent, US Army, retired, he has a great deal of information to share with poignant prescriptions for change concerning American foreign policy with Israel. Candidate McManus writes: It is time for America to use our […]