Home » Entries posted by Liam Fox (Page 13)

The Fight of America’s Working Class: Your Great-Grandparents Would Be Ashamed

The plight of the middle class, the working class, the laborers and workers of the world, has seldom improved – and even then in incremental steps only – and often only to be briefly enjoyed, lost, and fought for again another day. Documents from the American labor movement, over a hundred years ago, prove that […]


The Royal Wedding and the Embarrassing Worship of Wealth

Why are Americans fawning over the very Monarchy that their founding fathers fought?  The glorification of this clan of royal misfits is mind-boggling.  They are permitted to exist, and profit greatly, as a direct affront to democracy and equality, in return for being tabloid fodder and over-paid national mascots.  They may no longer function as […]


WikiLeaks: Exposing American Apathy

The most current release of classified documents show, as their most glaring point, the embarrassingly inept dealings of the US military.  It seems that when it comes to anything other than killing, and wanton destruction, the U.S. military is at a loss.  The classification process of prisoners has been proven contradictory and unreliable.  Much of […]


USA v UN: Who Best To Win the Future?

The protests were sparked by the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi on December 17, 2010, and continued until the ousting of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali 28 days later, on January 14, 2011.  This was the beginning of the Jasmine Revolution – still struggling to come to its feet – that has not only rocked […]


Mexico Cartels: Terrorists or the USA Gun Market’s Valued Customers?

Legalization of the drug market, immigration reform, and regulation of the American gun market, would render the drug cartels, with their human smuggling side-line, nearly impotent; forced to rely on the legitimate businesses in which they have already diversified.  The billions of dollars spent by American tax payers to combat non-lethal marijuana and human trafficking, […]
