Japan’s Nuclear Crisis Worsens: Fukushima Goes Chernobyl
All along we’ve known that we’re not getting the full story. Whether it’s been excused as corporate and industrial protectionism, or cultural relativism, the lack of integrity and transparency is being melted away by the force of the nuclear contamination itself. In the same way that they have been unable to stem the leak of […]
Chaos Capitalism: Turning Your Pain Into Their Profit
By Liam Fox and Gilbert Mercier The challenge is never to fix a problem, not for the profiteer. For them, the challenge is how to make as much money as possible no matter what amount of misery a natural, or man-made, disaster unleashes on humanity. Have you ever wondered why, no matter how much money is […]
Libya: Sometimes It’s Right To Fight!
When your neighbor is being assaulted or abused do you turn up the television set and pretend that you don’t hear? If you come across a child being attacked in the street, do you simply put your head down and walk on by? Or, just as bad, do you stand uselessly by and simply yell […]
Anonymous ‘OperationLeakS’ Exposes Bank of America Fraud Emails
At 12:00 midnight, Eastern Standard Time, the dawn of ‘Black Monday’ broke on America. Anonymous leaked the first in a series of email files aimed at proving Bank of America’s involvement in serious fraud. The access to the actual site where the following information was first posted by @OperationLeaKs, and where the larger size of […]
King’s Crusade: The Police State Gears Up Against Muslim Americans
Photo by RIDZDESIGN Statesmen and politicians have repeatedly, throughout history, relied on a bogey-man de jour to validate increased state repression and otherwise unacceptable legislation to restrict the rights of citizens. In this case, Rep. Peter King’s own misguided bias, and lack of political wisdom and savvy, may backfire when dealing with the ‘radicalization’ he […]