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Christianity Americana: It’s The Sex Stupid

The observation that religiosity and sexual repression go ‘hand-in-hand’ is certainly not a ground-breaking discovery, any more than it would be considered a revelation that religious fundamentalists try to force the limitations of their repression on others. What’s disconcerting is that despite all the education available in ‘the information age,’ the religious community not only persists, but increases its efforts, to impose sanctions on others, based on their own perverted understanding of human sexuality.


Right-Wing America: Racism And Religion

There is a preponderance of malicious and racially controversial rhetoric emanating from a particular area within the body politic. The same population of political and social conservatives that espouse their Christianity, and wish to impose it on the rest of the nation, are the instigators of much of the current, racially divisive, rhetoric.


Why The Right Needs Religion

Religion is nothing more than the sugar and spice that the conservatives have latched onto in order to sell an otherwise completely unpalatable, one dish, menu. They’ve found something to fill the void in their platform, religion, America’s soft spot, and they are exploiting it.


Tea Party Shows Its True ‘Coloreds’

The letter speaks for itself, including innuendos of ‘colored’ people’s laziness and entitlement, and the mention of an ‘Uncle Tom’ related to Mr. Jealous. This is the Party of Rand Paul, Sarah Palin, and Sharron angle. This is the ‘movement embraced by the Republican Party that they herald as the voice of ‘real Americans.’ If this letter is an example of the America they envision, let them know that you’ve seen their true ‘coloreds’, and that real Americans will not tolerate their ignorance, hatred and bias.


A Ban On World Cup Vuvuzelas: Finally, A Fatwa That Makes Sense

On July 9, 2010, the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments, in the United Arab Emirates, issued Fatwa against Vuvuzelas. Unlike other fatwas, this one seems to have an almost reasonable character to it. I would prefer to see a fatwa that recommended ear protection for anyone attending World Cup fixtures, but let’s celebrate the baby steps.
