Bearing False Witness: The Pope Commits Perjury
It is claimed that Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), CEO, may have erred while Pope Benedict XVI remained infallible on spiritual matters. While lost paperwork may be excused with this reasoning, bearing false witness is not. It is becoming increasingly clear that the Pope is not infallible, he has committed perjury.
The End of Days? So Many Antichrists, So Little Time

The veracity of end times prophecy has been claimed, asserted, challenged and disproved repeatedly, yet we still choose to wallow in those very same stone-age superstitions of beasts and demons when shocked by the harsh realities of what we, as humans, perpetrate. The Antichrist is nothing more than a bogeyman for grown-ups. He’s the monster under the bed and the villain in the closet. He is the Kaiser Soze of the irrational and the biggest and scariest of the imaginary things that go bump in the night.
Vatican Attacks Americans, White House Does Nothing

This is not a problem with a local church but with a theocratic foreign government who has made inroads into American society and wreaked terror and havoc on the American people. The American government must take action or be required to explain why it remains silent when faced with thousands of its children who have been raped and abused by individuals who received aid and sanctuary from a foreign government that continues to receive full Diplomatic privileges.
The Trial of the Catholic Church: A Tale of Moral and Financial Bankruptcy
Tens of thousands of cases have emerged in dozens of countries from Asia to Europe and from Australia to the Americas. No country seems immune, and the vulnerability of the victims seems only contingent on the number of clergy. The people of the world, their political representatives, their law enforcement and their courts, must execute their responsibilities and demand full accountability and compensation from not only the individual perpetrators of these heinous crimes but the entire organization, including the Vatican, that both protected and aided these pedophiles. Letters of apology, hush money, and empty promises will no longer suffice. The Catholic Church, and Pope Benedict IVI, must stand trial.
Glenn Beck: A Revival of Irresponsibility
With his upcoming American Revival tour, Glenn Beck provides a brilliant endorsement for the separation of church and state, the continued need for the republic’s representative democracy, responsible to the needs of its citizens, and a harbinger of disaster should anyone who agree’s with Beck ever achieve political power.