Desiring Machines in the Age of Biocapitalism

The sophistication of our technological tools, with causality levels proper of the current interplanetary biocapitalism, have shot out the formation of new multicausal contexts, dispositionally bearers of new rules that trigger new causalities with systemic effects of global erasure of the dialectic molecularity that determined the dynamics relations of production/productive forces, with loss of autonomy […]
Homo Economicus: The Matrix of Capitalist Power

The figure of homo economicus, enacted within economics in formatation of postulate, moved into the economic powers’ monadological field from the second half of the 18th Century, being communitarily assumed as capitalist rationality’s paradigmatic matritial imperative, invested of causality towards effects of what Foucault called biopower. Egoist, competitive, omniscient and projective, homo economicus aimed not […]
Human Relations’ Web: Praxis, Community, Responsibility and Survival

The notion of praxis has been largely worked upon, since the Greek Philosophers, but it was Marx who expanded the notion to economic, political and social levels of noisy polemic argumentativity, when the author defined it as a concrete human activity of production/reproduction and transformation of nature, of society and of men. Praxis literally means: […]
Discourse, Truth and Power

Discourse, with Latin root in discursus, synthesizes a dynamics of running through some thing or to some thing, place, situs. Radicularly contaminated by the Greek notions of logos and dianoia, the Latin notion of discursus incorporated the meaning of thought, intelligence and reflection that pushed it towards the complex semantic development, taken place in the […]
Hyper-Consumption Society: In The Animal Farm

Desiring, dionysiac, obsessive, the hyperconsumption society is kept in delirium of precarious sustainability by a desperate market economy, as its civilizational ex libris imperative: it is necessary to produce in excess, it is necessary to consume in excess, making the excess itself, by alienation of responsibility, the causal referent invested of the valorative power of […]