Turkey: Land Without Free Speech or Basic Human Rights

A while ago, the president of Turkey claimed that there is freedom of speech in his country and he said, “In my country, there is no problem with freedom, everyone talks the way they like, everyone lives out their faith, everyone dresses the way they want, everyone eats and drinks whatever they desire. We haven’t […]
Think of a Country Ruled by Death, Fear and Lies

Think of a country where the citizens have become the three monkeys that see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil; where numerous teenagers, women and children die everyday, but the rest of the citizens don’t even notice or feel grief about this; where life is veiled with so much darkness that the […]
Fear of Women Without Guilt

We are in the midst of a transition. The old patriarchal world, which I call analog, is a world in which Newton mechanics have prevailed, through the invention of fire, and the first and second industrial revolutions. In this old world, nations were constructed within the framework of social orders that were subjugated by religions […]
Women’s Rights: When Honor Terrorizes, Burns and Kills

My family and I used to live close to the world in an area called Kotli in Kashmir, in our poor village stuck between high mountains. In our village the kids, young girls and women knew two things very well: fear and pain. Cowed with fear. Tamed with fear. Taught to be quiet with fear. […]
Information Free Flow to Wash Away Obsolete Ideologies

Since the 1990’s there has been a transition from the old analog world order to the new digital world order. As a writer, it is important for me to understand the kind of change that is happening, to appreciate the importance of the free flow of information and to witness how people’s perception is changing. […]