The Bahamas: A Perfect Financial Storm Brewing in Tourism Paradise

By Norman Trabulsy Jr. The Bahamas is entering a period for which I see a Perfect Storm gathering, and this is unfortunate. A Perfect Storm comes about when a number of factors synergize to exacerbate what would otherwise be a mildly disruptive event. Although a number of other supporting realities strongly buttress my view, for […]
Ebola: Zombie Apocalypse, Biological Warfare or Marketing Hype?

Ask anyone what is Ebola, and the only reasonable answer you might get to this question is that it is a virus. The rest is fantasy, and these flights of fancy are not limited to the general public. At least one scientific editor has described the disease caused by the viral infection as a “Zombie […]
BRICS Bank: A Powerful Challenge to the IMF and the World Bank

Breaking strangleholds of international finance can seem a near impossible task. The provision of finance to developing states, and sometimes developed states humbled by the markets, has tended to be a restricted affair. The BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have had their fair share of medicine in that regard. The Bretton […]
Ukraine’s Crisis: Economic Sanctions Could Trigger a Global Depression

The referendum in Crimea on March 16, 2014 will probably attach the peninsula to the Russian federation. While it is unlikely that NATO will intervene and seek a direct military confrontation with Russia, the United States and the European Union are already cooking some broad and unwise economic sanctions with which to punish Russia. Russia, […]
TPP: Corporate Greed Would Win, the Environment Would Lose

The environment chapter of the secretly negotiated Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is evidently meant to be the sweetener for a broader set of more restrictive arrangements, but it falls far short of its protective purpose. The full draft of the chapter, released by WikiLeaks on Wednesday January 15, 2014 and dating from November 24, 2013, […]