Petraeus Resignation: Spies, Lies and Politics

By Dady Chery and Gilbert Mercier Haiti Chery General Petraeus had to resign today from his position as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. He admitted to an affair, but some — such as the New York Times — are already saying that the convenient timing of the resignation was related to the intelligence failure […]
US Election 2012: Occupy Should Have Backed Up Sanders

Editor’s Note: The original version of this article was written on December 27, 2011. At the time NJP was “floating” the idea of a Senator Sanders run for the 2012 US presidential election. The article was not received well by the decision makers at Occupy, who painted the movement paradoxically as a “pure grassroots leaderless […]
US Election: Same Circus Different Clowns

The Republican National Convention and the Democrat National Convention are the political equivalent of “America’s Got Talent”. The two conventions should be about serious discussions concerning issues and policies amongst the rank and file of both parties. They are not supposed to be about showmanship and performances, but in a country where politics have become […]
Supreme Court: The Republican Psyche Revealed

As I write, we are waiting for the Supreme Court’s decision on the Affordable Care, better known, often with disdain, as Obamacare. The decision should come this week. Whatever the outcome and many are betting the court in a typical conservative political move, will strike down at least part of the law – the mandate […]
Obama or Romney: It Matters as much as Choosing Pepsi over Coke

Most Americans believe that they live in a democracy, which implies options to choose from. They still think that the United States has a two-party system with real differences between Democrats and Republicans. But in reality the very same non-elected people have been pulling the strings and making policy decisions for the sake of the […]