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Where In The Universe Are We?

Stellar cartography is a fairly new field of astronomy, although the question of our place in the Universe has been one of the central questions of our species for thousands of years.


Climate Change Denial: The Smoking Gun

Is there a legal right to shout “hoax” on a burning planet? It is well documented that corporate interests fund a widespread campaign of lies and misinformation about climate change. Worse, they have been enjoying considerable success just as they did with tobacco. Is it their legal right to do so? And what can be done about it?


Obama’s Embrace Of “Drill, Baby Drill” Angers Greens

Obama’s Embrace Of “Drill, Baby Drill” Angers Greens

As far as the environmentalists are concerned, the announcement made by President Obama today amounts to a generous giveaway to the oil industry, and the betrayal of previous promises made to change the direction of the US energy policy. President Obama wants to authorize oil and gas exploitation in the coastal waters of the Southern […]


Earth Hour Ambivalence Or Not

None of us can do this alone, and we will always have a diversity of opinion about what is most necessary or possible at this moment. This diversity can exist in a harmony that strengthens the whole movement if that is what we want. Or we can use it as an opportunity to vent our personal doubts and disappointments. Whether symbolic actions are a distraction or an opportunity is not up to “them”, it’s up to you; that’s what empowerment is.


Big Cat Species Facing Extinction

2010 is supposed to be the Year of the Tiger. Unfortunately, tigers, lynx, jaguars, leopards, lions, pumas, cheetahs, and every species of Big Cat in the world is in serious decline. How long these magnificent species can evade extinction is up to us.
