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Orwell 2.0: Anti-Science Forces Using Tactics They Denounce

The climate change Deniers have pulled a rather clever feat by invoking Orwell in order to hoodwink the public in the very manner which they claim to be trying to expose. All in all it’s fairly impressive to be using the very technique you claim to be warning people against in order to con them.


Environmental Politics and The False Muddle

This “false middle” tactic only works when we allow ourselves to be manipulated. The Regressives wave their hands like a magician to distract us from what the issues and questions really are. Too often the call to ‘be reasonable’ is an invitation to abandon reason entirely and form an opinion based on ego.


40,000 Year Old Australian Archaeology Site Reignites Debate On Origins

An Aboriginal leader in Australia claims archaeologists have discovered the world’s southernmost site of early human life. The site is reported to be 40,000 years old. Is this the earliest human site here, and what does it mean in terms of the origins of human settlement?


Democracy Now! For Ecological Sustainability

Broadly speaking democracy is not about counting votes so much as it is about an informed and universal participation in the decision making process. An informed public can make the connection between climate change, heat waves, drought cycles, and their food supply and do something about it.


Do Earthquakes Trigger More Earthquakes?

Is there a connection between the recent Earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, and now Taiwan, or are they unrelated events? Scientific experts weigh in.
