Dominique Strauss-Kahn Innocent? So Who’s Guilty… and of What?
After an international perp-walk, the end of a career with the International Monetary Fund, the derailing of a campaign for the presidency of France, and millions of dollars spent complying with court requirements, it would appear that the Americans don’t have much of a case after all. Dominique Strauss-Kahn will now be allowed to slowly […]
Greece Explodes as Global Capitalists Force Austerity: Police Violence Greets the Crowds
Rubber bullets and tear gas were the answer the people of Athens received from their government as they took a stand against their governments willingness to prostitute them as chattel property for the benefit of global financiers. The people of Greece took to the streets as a part of a 48 hour general strike organized […]
America’s Zany Economy: Money for Nothing and Your Crap for Cheap
We’re all familiar with the perplexing state of the jobless recovery. More and more Americans are unemployed, underemployed, medically uninsured, and facing foreclosure, while those in the banking and investment sector, whose criminal speculation and fiscal irresponsibility caused the mess we’re in, are making more money than ever before. But, many of us don’t realize […]
Is A New World Order By The People And For The People Possible?

The global community has reached a development impasse. The cut throat management philosophy of global capitalism is not only failing, but collapsing at a noticeable speed-as long as some attention is being paid at what is really going on. Ever since the wind of the Arab Spring, from the Jasmine revolution in Tunisia, blew a […]