Bailing out the Dying: In the fight against AIDS, The Good News is–Hopelessness is a Lie

By Kenneth Lipp Countries spent an average of 16.9 percent of their GDP, worldwide, bailing out banks and private financial institutions (source: World Bank- “A User’s Guide to Banking Crises”) in the year 2000. The original allocation for the now infamous bailout of U.S. leviathans such as Goldman-Sachs was 700 billion dollars, and though the […]
The Path of Resistance, Because to Feel Something Is to Be Alive

Simple people,people who don’t exist,prefer things which don’t exist,simple things. e.e. cummings; six nonlectures Al Gore had a few minor errors of no particular consequence in his movie “An Inconvenient Truth“, but his book “The Assault on Reason” was wildly wrong in at least two important respects: i) The internet has proven to be a […]
Government Shutdown: The Washington Circus Pissing Contest

The big Washington DC psychodrama unfolding is a likely partial shutdown of the federal government on Friday. The quality of the “debate” is in the mold of America’s favorite reality shows. A comparison could be made between the government shutdown chicken-game played by the political class and the scripted reality of any “Real Housewives” shows. […]