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On May 2nd, 1933, the day after Labor day, Nazi groups occupied union halls and labor leaders were arrested. Trade Unions were outlawed by Adolf Hitler, while collective bargaining and the right to strike was abolished. This was the beginning of a consolidation of power by the fascist regime which systematically wiped out all opposition groups, starting with unions, liberals, socialists, and communists using Himmler’s state police.
February 20, 2011Read More
Barack Obama, the candidate, may have promised “fundamental change” for America, but President Obama has worked very hard to protect and promote business as usual. Every small incremental ‘victory’ since the beginning of the Obama presidency has been granted only with huge concessions to corporations and the wealthiest percent or two of Americans. Obama’s capitulation […]
February 20, 2011Read More

On Friday, the United States stood alone and vetoed an Arab resolution at the United Nations Security Council. The resolution strongly condemned Israeli illegal settlements in the Palestinian occupied territories of the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a “major obstacle to peace”. All 14 other members of the UN Security Council voted in favor […]
February 20, 2011Read More

Egypt And Tunisia: Real Hope And Change We Can All Believe In When he was elected in 2008, President Obama brought a sense of hope for real changes not only in the United States but abroad. Some were naively hoping that the new US administration could be a catalyst for a peaceful global revolution which […]
February 16, 2011Read More
Will we finally reach across borders to lift each other up rather than exploit? Will we finally achieve shared prosperity rather than fight for table-scraps while the elite hoard our resources and profit from our labor? Will we join in a global struggle for universal equality? Will we build a global movement that can provide the follow-through to Egypt’s glorious first punch? Will the many finally triumph over the few?
February 13, 2011Read More